Convert 1 to 9 = 100

Convert 1 to 9 = 100
Convert the numbers 1 to 9 which will results to "100", by inserting any of arithmetic operations (+ - * /) into the string of above numbers.
And one more interesting thing is by keeping the numbers in the above order i.e. 123456789..

there are many solutions to above problem. if u have any plz write in the comment ......

One is: 1+2+3-4+5+6+78+9

others are




-1 + (2*3*4) + (5*6)+(7*8) - 9 =100



if u have any plz write in the comment ....

Simple trick to remember table of 19

Simple trick to remember table of 19
The first digit is increamenting by 2 and second is decrementing by 1
19 * 01 = 019
19 * 02 = 038
19 * 03 = 057
19 * 04 = 076
19 * 05 = 095
19 * 06 = 114
19 * 07 = 133
19 * 08 = 152
19 * 09 = 171
19 * 10 = 190

trick to remember table of 29

for 29 units digit decreases by 1 and tens digit increases by 3.
29 * 1 = 029
29 * 2 = 058
29 * 3 = 087
29 * 4 = 116
29 * 5 = 145
29 * 6 = 174
29 * 7 = 203
29 * 8 = 232
29 * 9 = 261
29 *10 = 290

find square of a number between 50 and 60

find square of a number between 50 and 60
for example......

there is a 2 steps trick to get the ans
1) add the digit at the units place to 25 and write the sum
2) then calculate the square of units place digit and write it

eg in case of 56^2
we have 25+6=31
and square of 6 is 36
hence the result is 3136


111/1+1+1 = 37
222/2+2+2 = 37
333/3+3+3 = 37
444/4+4+4 = 37

multiply any no with 9,99,999,9999 & so on easily

example1 - 18 * 99
step 1- put 2 zeros after 18 (as we have to mul it by 99, and 99 has 2 digits)

it becomes 1800 now

step 2- now subtract 18 from 1800
ans is 1782

example2- 482*9999

step1- put 4 zeros after 482 (as we have to mul 482 by 9999, and 9999 has 4 digits)

it becomes 4820000

step 2- subtract 482 from 4820000

ans is 4819518
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